1. Densha de Go! (series) - Page 2 - shmups.system11.org
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Ghegs wrote:KAI, or other train-players, thoughts?
2. Densha De GO! Hashirou Yamanote-Sen - PS4/Switch
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Upfront impressions for video games.
3. Densha De Go Plug and Play 2 (Sanyo ED) - JNS Forum
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Sanyo line edition announced for December release. https://www.zuiki.co.jp/denshadegoPP2/ 19,580 Yen. I love the first plug and play but I need to see more on this to drop that kind of cash.
4. Review: Densha de GO! Hashirou Yamanote Sen
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Densha de GO! has always been as encouraging as it is exacting, and if anything this latest game in the series (also available on PlayStation 4) is even more so, making a real effort right from the…
5. Densha de Go! train controller review: it's awesome - The Verge
Aug 17, 2021 · The controller makes playing the game a much more physical, reactive, and satisfying experience. Densha de Go! is all about modulating your speed.
Japanese trainspotters rejoice.
6. Densha de GO! 2 (LCD): Taito's tiny trains
Sep 2, 2022 · This tiny LCD game based on the mighty Densha de GO! 2 could accomplish everything it set its little digital heart on the instant it flashed up a curt “Game ...
See AlsoREI Fleece Gloves ReviewTaito’s Densha de GO! series has often turned up in all sorts of places you wouldn’t really think a train sim with a fondness for difficulty and rule-based realism would over …
7. Densha de Go! (Video Game) - TV Tropes
The game has you in control of one of many trains running in Japan, stopping at stations properly and obeying various signs and signals along the way.
Densha de Go! (é»è»ã§GO!, trans. "Let's Go By Train!") is a series of arcade style train simulations from Taito that were released in Japan. The games have gained somewhat of a cult …
8. Densha de Go! Games - Giant Bomb
A card-based train-driving arcade game and spin-off of the Densha de Go! series. Collect train car cards (front, middle, and rear) to form your train and drive ...
Densha de Go! is a series of arcade train simulation games developed by Taito, and more recently Square-Enix and Gree.
9. Densha De Go 64 is the perfect way to unwind after having to endure reality
Aug 26, 2022 · What's your favorite game to relax to? One of mine is Densha De Go 64, a train simulator from the arcades to your home.
What's your favorite game to relax to? One of mine is Densha De Go 64, a train simulator from the arcades to your home.
10. Densha De Go FINAL! - Discussion - rllmuk
Jun 9, 2004 · Densha De Go final is the best version of the Densha De Go series as the routes are sufficently long has lovely graphics, and lots of trains.
So we’re finally here at our destination; Taito’s seemingly final home-console release of its well-known train driving game arrives at last. This game is the last of a surprisingly large collection (and obviously well selling) series of ‘de go games. If you don’t know what its about, you basicall...