Umiami Sorority Rankings (2025)

1. Sorority rankings: let's be real here - University of Miami - UM - Greekrank

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  • sorority rankings from a greek life outsider. lets be real and honest. 1. Deeph: has a great rep, hot girls, super rich, lowkey mean but mixes with top f - University of Miami - UM Discussion

2. University of Miami - UM - Sororities - Greekrank

  • Rank. 1. 1. Delta Delta Delta - ΔΔΔ ; Rank. 2. 2. Alpha Delta Pi - ΑΔΠ ; Rank. 3. 3. Chi Omega - ΧΩ ; Rank. 4. 4. Kappa Kappa Gamma - ΚΚΓ ; Rank. 5. 5. Zeta Tau ...

  • Sorority reviews, ratings, and rankings for University of Miami - UM greek life - Greekrank

3. Greek Life - Dean of Students - University of Miami

  • Councils and Chapters · FAQs · How to Join · Anti-Hazing Policy

4. Councils and Chapters - Dean of Students - University of Miami

5. Sorority Chapters - Oxford - Miami University

  • Alpha Phi ; GPA Required to Join, 2.9 ; Membership, 2.16 ; President, Ea Hamil, ; Recruitment Chair, Sabrina Stefani,

6. University of Miami : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details

  • University of Miami is one of the top private universities in Miami, United States. It is ranked #=324 in QS World University Rankings 2025. # ...

  • Learn more about studying at University of Miami including how it performs in QS rankings, the cost of tuition and further course information.

7. FAQs - Dean of Students - University of Miami

  • Why join a fraternity or sorority? · When can students participating in Panhellenic Sorority Recruitment move into the residence halls? · Will Greek Life ...

  • Open All Tabs

8. University of Miami FAQ | whats the greek scene like -

  • In the Spring, Sororities and Frats go through their recruitment and pledging process, so It's very big then but other than that they only have a large ...

  • Jaymes

9. Panhellenic Association (PA) Recruitment - Miami University

  • Panhellenic promotes the common interest of all sororities at Miami and serves as the unifying, governing, and coordinating body of the sorority community. The ...

10. Most Genuine and Most Unhinged Greek Rank Ratings of Sororities at ...

  • Feb 15, 2024 · 1. Chi Omega – ΧΩ · 2. Delta Delta Delta – ΔΔΔ · 3. Gamma Phi Beta – ΓΦΒ · 4. Kappa Alpha Theta – ΚΑΘ · 5. Kappa Delta – ΚΔ · 6. Kappa Kappa Gamma – ...

  • It’s the lady’s choice... And they have some choice words.

11. 2025 Best Greek Life Colleges in Florida - Niche

  • Explore the 2025 Best Greek Life Colleges ranking. Compare Greek life at Florida colleges ... University of Miami. Coral Gables, FL·; 4 ...

  • Compare Greek life at Florida colleges.

12. University of Miami - The Princeton Review College Rankings & Reviews

  • Applying to University of Miami? Get up-to-date admissions statistics, SAT scores, student reviews, and more from The Princeton Review.

Umiami Sorority Rankings (2025)


What are the top tier sororities at UMiami? ›

Ranked Sororities Sort By: Name | Rank
  • Zeta Tau Alpha - ΖΤΑ ...
  • Sigma Delta Tau - ΣΔΤ ...
  • Delta Gamma - ΔΓ ...
  • Zeta Phi Beta - ΖΦΒ ...
  • Delta Phi Epsilon - ΔΦΕ Delta Phi Epsilon - ΔΦΕ ...
  • Sigma Gamma Rho - ΣΓΡ Sigma Gamma Rho - ΣΓΡ ...
  • Delta Sigma Theta - ΔΣΘ Delta Sigma Theta - ΔΣΘ ...
  • Alpha Kappa Alpha - ΑΚΑ Alpha Kappa Alpha - ΑΚΑ

What is most prestigious sorority in us? ›

Here are the country's leading sororities that are best known for their contributions to their colleges and universities, and the society:
  • Delta Sigma Theta.
  • Kappa Alpha Theta.
  • Alpha Kappa Alpha.
  • Alpha Chi Omega.
  • Alpha Delta Pi.
  • Phi Mu.
  • Alpha Omicron Pi.
  • Zeta Tau Alpha.

What percent of students at Umiami are in Greek life? ›

Approximately one third of Miami's undergraduate student population are members of the fraternity and sorority community. Our members are involved in and are leaders of many university events, programs, and student organizations.

What GPA do you need to join a sorority at Umiami? ›

Academic success is the most important value of our organizations, and we expect all potential new members to have a 2.5 GPA when joining a Panhellenic, MGC, or NPHC chapter or a 2.75 GPA when joining an Interfraternity Council fraternity.

What sorority was Kourtney Kardashian in? ›

Kourtney, 38, pledged to the sorority Alpha Phi during her college days. The University of Arizona's Beta Epsilon Chapter welcomed Kourtney, who graduated in 2002. Alpha Phi calls themselves "the Ivy [League] of Greek life" and their motto is "Alethia Orno Eteronis," which translates to "truth, honor, forever."

Is Umiami tier 1? ›

Significantly improving its standing from the previous year, the University of Miami now ranks as the 49th best college in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report's 2021 “Best Colleges” issue, placing it back among the 50 top-tier colleges and universities. Last fall, the University ranked 57th in the nation.

What percent of UMiami is white? ›

According to recent data, about 46% of the undergraduate population identifies as white, while 36% come from a Hispanic/Latino background, 8% are Black/African American, and around 6% are Asian. The remaining students come from various other backgrounds or chose not to indicate their ethnicity.

Is UMiami prestigious? ›

University of Miami's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #67. Its tuition and fees are $59,926. Located in Southern Florida, the University of Miami has an ideal location for students who love the outdoors.

Is the University of Miami big on Greek life? ›

The overall vibe on campus is similar to that of Miami — energetic, bustling, fast paced and extremely diverse. The Greek system is popular with 26% of students participating, but Greek life does not dominate the social scene.

How much do Umiami sororities cost? ›

The average cost for sorority dues is $663 for new members per semester and $410 for active members per semester. The average cost for fraternity dues is $724 for new members per semester and $647 for active members per semester.

Why is UMiami hard to get into? ›

There are seven factors that the University of Miami ranks as being “very important” to their admissions process: rigor of secondary school record, class rank, GPA, standardized test scores, the essays, and extracurricular activities.

Why are there no sorority houses at UMiami? ›

“The issue with the houses right now is that back when the Panhellenic building was built, the sororities that were here at the time, created a compact that basically said they agreed together … that once they did this that none of them would seek to build a house off-campus unless all them could seek to build a house ...

Is Phi Mu a top tier sorority? ›

While there's no official ranking of the sororities at University of Alabama, it's widely accepted that there are top-tier houses. (Example: Zeta Tau Alpha, Phi Mu and Alpha Deta Phi are considered the most desirable sororities, per the doc.)

Where is Sigma Kappa top tier? ›

Highest Rated Sigma Kappa Chapters
  • State University of New York at Fredonia. State University of New York at Fredonia. ...
  • Indiana University Southeast. Indiana University Southeast. ...
  • University of Michigan Ann Arbor. ...
  • Michigan State University. ...
  • Georgetown College. ...
  • Angelo State University. ...
  • Albright College. ...
  • Louisiana Tech University.

What makes a top tier sorority? ›

A top tier sorority is bigger, more sought after, and more popular. They care about being the best at everything and their reputation. They might have more influential people on campus or notable alums. They're stricter on the rules and have a stronger sense of type.

Is Alpha Sigma Alpha a top tier sorority? ›

ASA is a small name nationally and most popular up north, but definitely a TOP TIER sorority.

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Name: Manual Maggio

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.